Tank Crush – Eviction

Tank Crush – Eviction is a small 1 or 2 player game made in the style of tank battle games from the 80s and 90s arcades.
Current minimum requirements for playing the game are a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and 1 or 2 twin-stick, analog gamepads to control your tanks is strongly preferred to using the also available keyboard controls.
Supported operating systems are Windows XP-SP3+, Mac OSX 10.6+ (Intel).

The official updated Windows PC (v1.1, 15.09.2012) and Mac OSX demos (v1.2, 13.01.2013) are available!
You can grab your free copy here by clicking on the appropriate download link given below.

TankCrushEvictionDemo_v1.1_Windows_15.09.2012.zip (Windows XP-SP3+ Version)
(ZIP ~82MB)
TankCrushEvictionDemo_v1.2_MacOSX_13.01.2013.dmg (Mac OSX 10.6+ Intel)
(DMG ~88MB)

Please see the readme file in the ZIP/DMG for details on the features, additions and changes as well as a control reference for this version of the game.

Tank Crush In-game Screenshot

  • All builds presented here are free to download and use, as long as they are not sold and offered commercially, nor provided as part of a package for which payment will be charged in any form. The builds are supplied as they are, I make no claims that it will not harm your computer therefore use at your own risk.
    The demo software given here may be redistributed free of charge on other websites with my prior consent.


Tank Crush Box Art