Release v1.0.0 of the MKS Distributed (UDP) Memory Loop Library

I’ve just released v1.0.0 of my C/C++ MKS-Memory-Loop UDP Networking Library for public use. The GIT Archive is now public and can be accessed here.

This C/C++ library enables the simple configuration and execution of applications which share a distributed memory environment such that each host participant (federate) can provide a UDP socket network frame of 508 bytes to each other federate in a federation with high frequency. The format and contents of these frames must be handled by the application and fit into the buffer size of 508 bytes. Possible use cases are multiplayer games which each player provides its data in a frame to the federation.

Check out the included examples showing how the library can be compiled, installed and linked to from other projects.

The project was developed using C/C++, PThreads, UDP Sockets, Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 20.04 and FreeBSD 13. The project will be further developed with new features and I plan to extend the operating systems for which this software is available.

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